Refund Options

Do you not received your refund?

If you have received a mail/message from us confirming your refund request then rest assured that we have initiated your refund request and are following up with financial organizations for the same. Many times financial organizations take a longer time to process the refund request. However, if the refund hasn’t happened by the date we promised, you can contact us. We will help you.

When are Refunds provided?

Buy Instrument works to provide the most hassle-free online shopping experience. You are covered and your money is safe. We initiate the refund process as soon as we receive the details. Damaged products are returned to our warehouse and have been quality checked.

I paid the amount upfront while purchasing a product from Buy Instrument, how do I get a refund?

Your payment is secured. In the case of prepaid orders, the amount is refunded in the same account as you had made payment from within 7-10 working days

I paid in cash, how would I get a refund?

If the mode of payment was cash on delivery we will initiate an NEFT bank transfer to your bank account. Buy Instrument will contact you for your bank account details. It normally takes 7-10 days for your money to get reflected in your bank account.

What are the details you require to process an NEFT refund?

Once you agree to the NEFT refund, you will receive an email from Buy Instrument customer support team asking for it.

  • Bank Name
  • Account Number
  • Account Holder’s name
  • IFSC code
  • Location of the Bank

We initiate the refund process as soon as we receive the details from you and it takes 7-10 working days for the money to be credited to your account.

How long will it take to refund?

It takes 7-10 working days for the money to be credited to your account.

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