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Buy Instrument

Buy Instrument is an industrial focused unique ecommerce platform providing all products and services required by Manufacturing Units, Waste Water Management Operators, Pharma, Automation, Textile, Power Plant, OEM, Cement, Chemical, Glass, Food & Dairy, Plastic & Rubber, Steel/Metal, Oil, Gas & Petrolium, Fertilizer & Agriculture, Automobile, Engineering, Ceramic Manufacturig etc. The online platform is a self-serve portal enabling various suppliers and service providers to list and market their products across India. Customer also gets ease of buying, multiple products options, competitive price and fast delivery.

Buy Instrument is hosting entire range of products under 15 Categories and 1000+ Subcategories. The platform is presently delivering products to 25000+ pin codes across India.

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We are using  Aavad make  Magnetic Flow Meter  with Telemetry system in our WTP plant. The data  are taken on cloud and we can see all the data on web page as well as in Mobile also. We are getting SMS for Totalizer in the mornig at 8.00 am. every day. The accuracy and reliability is best in the class. We are very much satisfied  with the continuous  performance of it. It is a good product for  our IOT and Industry 4.0  Journey.

Mr. Vinay Chaudhari

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We Deal With Various Quality Accurate Products!

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